Market How it Work

Market & How it Work

Local and national, regular citizens, all people; this is the market for wholesalers and future retail for purchase of cannabis, crops/plants, and agriculture for farming, along with export and import professionals, and tourists as well. Health clinics, hospitals, or an everyday worker can have the ability to intake the highest grade and potent quality of the cannabis plant, through many forms. Restaurants and small businesses, will now be able to have fresher produce with more vitamin-potency, nutrients, and antioxidants in there foods! Additionally, because the Acquisitions-Hydroponics farming system uses a
nutrient solution to supply the water with seed: it brings this new agricultural phenomenon and revolution, it uses 90% less water than regular farming techniques (ex: fertile soil), has a sustained production increase by 50% and over because it takes less time to grow with the nutrient solution being directed to the seed, so the time span of growth is shortened. Lastly, it has great benefits because there are No pesticides, and No herbicides needed and it can naturally, (organically) be preserved longer. This procedure coincides with the safe and legal states that have the dispensaries that use independent labs to test cannabis for pesticides, molds and THC content that bud before they destroy an entire crop.

You can create a Quadraphonic, Hydroponics Greenhouse on a property with 1800 square feet per room, which, the location has its clear access to sunlight with the option of LED lights. First project will be to start with 5000 sq ft. for food-plants, medicinal herbs and another 5000 sq ft. for recreational purposes. For instance, a plant such as an indicate or sativa cannabis (weed) plant, can grow up to 5 different ways and yield 20% greater than with doing average farming; [which typically takes 6-8 weeks]. Similarly, we will use 2 types of farming methods:

1. Diversified and 2. Organic.

Furthermore, you will be able to accumulate between 2 to 7 months guarantee of production.

The Need

According to;gs_growing_ supplies;gs_hydroponics.html, “Hydroponically grown plants grow up to 50% faster and produce higher yields of better quality vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers.

FAITH FAMILY FARM, utilization of Quadraphonic, Hydroponic growing removes the need for soil, eliminating soil-borne diseases and pests, weeds, and the use of herbicides and pesticides, while producing 10 times the amount of vegetables as traditional farming. Quadraphonic, Hydroponic systems also reduce water waste and the amount of natural resources needed to grow while allowing complete control over climate, nutrients and growing conditions.” FFF do not use pesticides, herbicides and preserve longer and safer with organic operation. This is a great factor which will be beneficial to ROI and operational budgeting, considering that all farms and dispensaries in the State of New York need to be operated under a pesticide license holder, if they will use pesticides. Evidently, as the pollution and mass dispensation of hormonal and bacteria infested food is at an all-time high, there is an absolute need for healthy and disease-free food in our under-privileged communities, local schools, and daycare centers.

Get in touch

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our Faith Family Farms service. If you have any question, we encourage you to schedule an appointment or phone consultation with one of our staffs or visit our office. We are pleased to offer all types of services the needs of your family.


99 Wall Street, Suite 941, New York, NY 10005


877-90-FAITH OR (877) 903-2484


Hydroponics is a contemporary way of farming/agriculture. This form is very lucrative and time efficient with the process of growing all organic plant life; by using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent other than soil. Read More


Our Office

99 Wall Street, Suite 941, New York, NY 10005

Phone number

(877) 903-2484



Monday-Friday: 7:00 – 17:00

Saturday: 8:00 – 16:00

Sunday: By Appointment

Holidays: Closed